Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cases for Discussion

Module 1 Case

Cindy is a student from a prestigious university. They were given a case scenario on which they are ask to raise their opinion based on the ethical principles discussed in their ethics class. Cindy was so resourceful that she found quite good opinions and explanations from the internet. Consequently she simply copy- pasted and the online-material. She submitted her output with minor edits on the contents. As the result, her professor was so impressed by her work.
As a moral agent, what is your judgment on Cindy’s conduct? Support your position using any of the definition of ethics discussed in this module

Module 2 Case

Jake bought licensed computer software at MouseNBrowse. Because of the high price he paid for the purchase of the software, Jake thought of reproducing copies of it to be sold to friends and acquaintances. Jake knew he would be violating the law. Nevertheless, he executed his plan and sold pirated software.
Comment on this situation with each of the four types of laws in mind. To what extent does each of the four types of law apply in this case.
Well, being resourceful is good if you put it in a proper way and in a good purpose. As for Cindy's conduct she has a point to be resourceful but she should cite the references where she got the informations not that she put it as her own, in this case plagiarism is being committed. Of course they are asked to make their own opinion so they should make their own not by copy-pasting someone else's work but by their own thinking through the help of some resources. Maybe the teacher does not imposed the right rules but it is still unethical to show that Cindy made only a minor edits which is unfair to everybody. She only fool herself and the teacher knowing that she submitted not her own opinion.
Divine Law

Since divine law as we all know deals only with good deeds then talking about piracy of course violates this law. It violates for the reason that plagiarizing someone else's work and selling it is neither right nor legal. Jake has no right to sell it because in the first place he had no permission from the owner and second he put the people who buy the product at risk. Though it can help many people by giving them a cheaper price but it is still a crime. So it is not fair to the company who is selling the product because they are trying hard in order to make the product available and gives convenient to the user then there are also many people who plagiarize the product which results to company loss.

Natural Law

Natural law's precepts are righteousness, justice, equity, and fairness. Piracy implies neither of the four because it is not righteous since it does not meet the standards of what is right and just. It is not just either since equality and fairness are part of it. Though this law is unwritten but it says that people should follow what is patterned or what the majority agrees in order to have a harmony.

Moral Law

Piracy is immoral since it does not act in accordance with the established standards and precepts of good behavior. Jake did not respect the right of the company and instead of encouraging the many people to buy the original one for the improvement of the company as well as the country he then encourage the people to buy what is pirated not knowing the consequences in the future.

Physical Law

I think Jake's situation does not violate this law or the law of nature. As what i understand the law of nature is hard to violate, say the weather or any calamities, we cannot stop it but we can avoid it. So piracy for me don't have any relation with the physical law.


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