Monday, December 05, 2005

Discussion Modules 7 & 8

Computer Abuses

- Choose one example of computer abuse and discuss why you consider it morally wrong using any of the ethical principles you have learned in the previous modules

- Search the internet for new materials/innovation/service which you consider an abuse in computing. Support your discussion using ethical principles discussed earlier

Privacy Issues
- Think of an act, other than those already discussed in the module that would constitute a violation of privacy in computing. Explain



--> Φ Flaming is one of the example i have chosen that would fall to "Physical destruction or alteration of network components". It is morally wrong because as explained by its definition that it is considered poor online conduct and if we based on the ten commandments of computer ethics it doesnt adhere to almost all of it.
╫ Flaming is the act of posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting, usually in the social context of a discussion board (usually on the Internet). Flaming is one of a class of economic problems known as The Tragedy of the Commons, when a group holds a resource (in this case, communal attention), but each of the individual members has an incentive to overuse it(
╫ So meaning it is not morally right because it could harm many people and it only brought no good to many.


--> //clippings from the site from
Hentai & Toon Site Reviews
Tired of surfing through pop-up surfer traps and dead-end ads in search of adult anime and toons? You've come to the right place. I've been around the block surfing the web, and decided to put up my own pay site reviews as I try them. If you have more time than money, keep hunting for something free, but if you've had enough of that, read on!
Warning: The material & links on this site are of a truly perverted sexual nature. Following any links certifies you're at least 18, want to see such filth, won't let minors look, and it's legal for you to view where you live.

// just wanna clip something for proof!!!

--> i consider it as a computer abuse because it is not dedicated to the user or everyone can access it even without permission. We can see in their reviews that even if they recommend it for adults 18yrs old and above but still they post pornographic pictures in their main page and everyone can see it, they should ask for an account first before they show it. And the person that have an account must fill up first forms needed to prove that he is permitted to view that site.
So, i think is one of the examples that is an abuse in computing. Because they are taking advantage of the resources and they dont look forward of the result that might happen after.


Privacy Issues

Computer sabotage
Computer sabotage includes not only the destruction of hardware and other tangible items such as tapes, disks and micro-chips, but the erasure, destruction or alteration of the data itself.

Another example that violates privacy:

Spyware --> Spyware covers a broad category of malicious software designed to intercept or take partial control of a computer's operation without the informed consent of that machine's owner or legitimate user. Spyware differs from viruses and worms in that it does not usually self-replicate. Like many recent viruses, however, spyware - by design - exploits infected computers for commercial gain.

So, from that information we can say that it violates privacy.


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