Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Ten Commandments Of Computer Ethics

Ten Commandments Of Computer Ethics

Created by the Computer Ethics Institute

1. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Harm Other People.
2. Thou Shalt Not Interfere With Other People’s Computer Work.
3. Thou Shalt Not Snoop Around In Other People’s Computer Files.
4. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Steal.
5. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Bear False Witness.
6. Thou Shalt Not Copy Or Use Proprietary Software For Which You have Not Paid.
7. Thou Shalt Not Use Other People’s Computer Resources Without Authorization Or Proper Compensation.
8. Thou Shalt Not Appropriate Other People’s Intellectual Output.
9. Thou Shalt Think About The Social Consequences Of The Program You Are Writing Or The System You Are Designing.
10. Thou Shalt Always Use A Computer In Ways That Insure Consideration And Respect For Your Fellow Humans.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Discussion Session Module 5 & 6

Module 5

Moral Problems

Which do you think is the most pervasive moral problem today especially in computing. Support your answer and cite some examples.

Commandments in Computing.

Discuss whether the following adhere or don't adhere to any of the commandments in computing.

1. Pornography on the net
2. Spamming
3. Hacking
4. Sending chain letter emails(such as prayer and novena)


Module 5

I think it is the "problem of the scope of morality" that is most pervasive moral problem today because people especially those in a high ranks have easily forgotten the scope of morality. Or if talking about computing, we can mostly witness these in the internet. Simplifying further this simple example will help you figure out what's inside my mind (eheh",).
Most of the CS students want to explore everything in the internet maybe because of their curiousity especially when they saw something igniting, like pornographic materials (but mostly men lng ni), games, eye-catcher words like love and etc.. Now the situition is this, the 4th year CS students in LSU was told to make a research about new discoveries and have their reactions after they got the informations. They forgot the scope of morality by entering pornographic site that they know it is no longer educational, though it is still educational but should be put in a proper way and in a proper place. In that scenario they already forgot the scope of morality.

Module 6

1. Pornography on the net
Well...It depends!!!.. We can see that it adheres when it is being used educationally but in general it doesnt because anyone can access that informations since mostly in the net passwords is not required for the user. And other pornography site are made just to make money and to ruin the country. So, it's very unethical to see that their are many children nowadays commited sin through that.
So, pornography doesnt adhere mostly on the ten commandments since the commandments are almost related. And also pornography can cause other people to do unethical things like plagiarizing or stealing....

2. Spamming
Obviously, it really doesnt adhere to any of the ten commandments except commandmnents #s 3,6, & 7.., it is just the same of making a viruses since it increases the amount of "junk mails" in your email box. There are also some who go with it (d victims!!) and losses their money because there are many cons in spams. People who do spamming only needs attention or worst just wanna make theirselves happy by seeing other people's loss (it hurts, man!!).

3. Hacking

Web Definition of Hacking
--> Unauthorized use, or attempts to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network.

-->illegally accessing other people's computer systems for destroying, disrupting or carrying out illegal activities on the network or computer systems.

Based on that definition i can say that it doesnt adhere to the ten commandments. I dont have to explain because it is clearly stated by the definition. And well.. in order to ride other people's explanation i could say that yes i agree that hacking has two kinds, the good and the bad, and if you say that it has a good purpose well it still doesnt adhere to commandment #2,3,7, and 10.

4. Sending chain letter emails(such as prayer and novena)

There are some situition that we can say it adheres but there are also some situition that it doesnt. Let me explain first the bright side, it adheres because it reminds the people to pray and that there is somebody up there watching us. Second, it doesnt adheres because chain messages are mostly alike with spam and it only makes your work slower. It only ruins other people's emotion.
It doesnt adhere to the commandments except for the unrelated one(#7,6, and 3).

More on commandments in computing

if an altruist(one who looks the welfare of others) is asked to evaluate pornography on the net and hacking. How would he categorize these two issues in conjunction with the commandments of computing? Append your discussion in the module 6 session.


Pornography: Well as what i've said earlier that it is good if you put it in a proper place and time. It could promote people's awareness that being involved with that is not an easy one or what i mean is there are many consequences to consider like it could harm you by influencing their contagieous illness. Also, it serves as an eye-opener to the youth by explaning what good or bad it could bring.

rawbee: Para ma-aware ang mga pipz about aning pornography iL make a site na mgpakita unsay mga possible na consequences kung mgbuhat sila ani na la sa proper time and place xempre ako pd na butangan ug mga porno na pics para sila maka-relate.
konsensya: btaw sa? dghan na gud kaaug crimes na nahitabo ron 2ngud ana. Ug osa pa maka-arouse gud na so basin mawa sila sa ilang mga selves then mao nga mangrape na ang uban..
rawbee: knahanglan na ako ni ipromote sa mga skuls nang sa gayun teachers can help
explaining about this issue. Over populated na btaw ta!! knahanglan na mgmatngon na ta!!
Hacking: I've already pointed out that it is good if it could save many people's lives.

bhing: i've to hack their system because la na gyud ni maaung nabuhat sa mga kabataan. They dont think the consequences, f makasud na ko ako i block ang mga bad words ug ang mga good na lng ang ma left. Bantog ra ang mga bata mga kuyaw na kaaug mga expressions lyk fu**,dic*h**d,bit**,as*h*le ug uban pang mga de lata(hhehehehehehe) kay na influence ra d.i ni sila 2ngod sa ilang system na la gkatabang kundi paguba ra sa mga mind sa mga tawo.. What do u ffink my dear??
dear: ka maau jud nimo noh? dghan jud ka mtabangan especially sa mga bata na la kbalo sa ilang mga gipanulti, sa tuo nila social kaau silag expression pero tsk tsk tsk.. Dont change ha?
bhing: mghimo na lng sd kog site na mgexplain unsay maau ug unsay di..

this s brought 2 u by rawbee the universal rubina,joke3!!!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Module 3 & 4 Discussions

Module 3 - Preliminary Theories

Discuss how adherents of ethical egoism / altruism would analyze the following situation. Support your answers

1. Fiel designed a computer software that would make detection of enemy codes easier
2. Mona plans to buy licensed software in the US using royalties from the sales of her book on computer ethics and donate the software to her alma mater
3. Franchele wants to create a virus that affect only linux O.S.
4. Lilian debugged a secret code of NBI and sabotage the whole system as form of revenge for what she considers NBI violation of her human rights
5. Jhong contracted Benson to design the web site of a government agency at the cost of 1million and added free consultancy service

Module 4 - Final Theories

Which do you think seems to predominate in the world of computing as you know it? Support your answer by giving an example


Module 3

My opinion ( Maybe lang ni tanan ha!! ):

egoism --> Fiel design it in order for him to satisfy his wants that if he will be able to detect the enemy codes then he will also be able to redesign his system that is more secure and far from being harm by the enemies. Or it can also be that Fiel want to discover their code in order for him to design a code that is more better from the enemy code he detected.
altruism --> In this side Fiel want to discover the enemy codes so that he can debug other systems that are harmful from the enemy. He can also make a software for everybody counterpart to enemies code, for this he can help many people in protecting their systems from bugs.

egoism --> Mona want her name be known to all the people in her country as if feeling celebrity(lolz!!). In that case all the people will praise her and additional points in her good reputation. Or maybe she is planning to enter politics.
altruism --> Mona want her alma mater to benefit the software and help other people who can't afford to buy the said software to experience what good it could bring. And in order for them to familiarize it and not be ignorant about it.

egoism --> Franchele want everybody to know him. And for that virus many linux or OS developer will approach him and maybe would hire him as one of the programmers. Or maybe he doesnt like linux that's why he want to destroy it and convince the people to shift to other OS.
altruism --> Franchele want everybody (especially linux user) to be aware about computer viruses and let the linux company know that their OS or product is not safe for viruses. In that case he will be able to help the company to increase their security level.

egoism --> Lilian think only of herself or revenge only for her ego without even realizing about what might happen after.
altruism --> Lilian want the NBI to be aware that they already violated some people's rights. And in that case she could also help other people whose human rights are violated.

egoism --> Maybe Jhong has a plan to enter the world of politics and for that he can convince many people to vote for him (and Win!!, hahaha). Or maybe he just want everybody to know that he have many money or that he is wealthy.

altruism --> Jhong want to share his wealthiness to everybody through that web site especially those who cant afford to consult their problems to a high rank officials.

Module 4

I think it's Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics that will predominate in the world of computing because nowadays people will only work for a reason or for the purpose. And it's very rare for the people to work without a purpose maybe because it's for the reason that they strive for in oeder to attain the ends they want. And as clearly stated in the theory which i based my opinion that the soul is comprised of rational and irrational parts. The rational component directs us to what is right; the irrational element is that which is natural opposed reason, It is the reason that directs the desires and appetites to what is best. In order for us to fully understand this situition a simple example ( which i think is right!!,based on experience!! hehehehe ) is given as follows:
Me and my peers are planning to have an outing but of course we need permission from our parents first. Since the said plan is coming i need to ask permission from my parents but before that i've to try hard adjusting my behavior not to mess up my parents good mood. Or to make it clear i have to do good in the house like doing the chores and follow whatever their commands.
In this case we can now clearly see that in order for me to be able to join the said plan im trying my best to make my parents nod and say "Yes". So definitely my parent will now permit me to join my peers which is a success or which is the end i want to attain.

Thanks for your time!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cases for Discussion

Module 1 Case

Cindy is a student from a prestigious university. They were given a case scenario on which they are ask to raise their opinion based on the ethical principles discussed in their ethics class. Cindy was so resourceful that she found quite good opinions and explanations from the internet. Consequently she simply copy- pasted and the online-material. She submitted her output with minor edits on the contents. As the result, her professor was so impressed by her work.
As a moral agent, what is your judgment on Cindy’s conduct? Support your position using any of the definition of ethics discussed in this module

Module 2 Case

Jake bought licensed computer software at MouseNBrowse. Because of the high price he paid for the purchase of the software, Jake thought of reproducing copies of it to be sold to friends and acquaintances. Jake knew he would be violating the law. Nevertheless, he executed his plan and sold pirated software.
Comment on this situation with each of the four types of laws in mind. To what extent does each of the four types of law apply in this case.
Well, being resourceful is good if you put it in a proper way and in a good purpose. As for Cindy's conduct she has a point to be resourceful but she should cite the references where she got the informations not that she put it as her own, in this case plagiarism is being committed. Of course they are asked to make their own opinion so they should make their own not by copy-pasting someone else's work but by their own thinking through the help of some resources. Maybe the teacher does not imposed the right rules but it is still unethical to show that Cindy made only a minor edits which is unfair to everybody. She only fool herself and the teacher knowing that she submitted not her own opinion.
Divine Law

Since divine law as we all know deals only with good deeds then talking about piracy of course violates this law. It violates for the reason that plagiarizing someone else's work and selling it is neither right nor legal. Jake has no right to sell it because in the first place he had no permission from the owner and second he put the people who buy the product at risk. Though it can help many people by giving them a cheaper price but it is still a crime. So it is not fair to the company who is selling the product because they are trying hard in order to make the product available and gives convenient to the user then there are also many people who plagiarize the product which results to company loss.

Natural Law

Natural law's precepts are righteousness, justice, equity, and fairness. Piracy implies neither of the four because it is not righteous since it does not meet the standards of what is right and just. It is not just either since equality and fairness are part of it. Though this law is unwritten but it says that people should follow what is patterned or what the majority agrees in order to have a harmony.

Moral Law

Piracy is immoral since it does not act in accordance with the established standards and precepts of good behavior. Jake did not respect the right of the company and instead of encouraging the many people to buy the original one for the improvement of the company as well as the country he then encourage the people to buy what is pirated not knowing the consequences in the future.

Physical Law

I think Jake's situation does not violate this law or the law of nature. As what i understand the law of nature is hard to violate, say the weather or any calamities, we cannot stop it but we can avoid it. So piracy for me don't have any relation with the physical law.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


hahahahahaha..............this is it!!!
not suprising...eheh",)