Thursday, December 15, 2005

Module 12 Discussion

From the cases exemplified, explain what constitutes a computer crime.


Credit Card fraud

╦ Obviously, the unpermissioned use of other persons credit cards and using their names and money in order to access other financial informations and making of reservations to airlines and hotel constitutes
a computer crime. Well, it's just another way of stealing.

Creating a Virus and Unleashing It To a Network

╦ It is a crime for the reason that it had caused millions of dollars for the damage and infection caused by the virus. They ruined the personal files of other people by sending it thru electronic mail and causing it to spread to more 50 computers and grow rapidly. And so, its rapid distribution disrupted computer networks by overloading email servers, resulting in the shutdown of networks and significant costs for repairing computer systems. So, no reasons to prove that it is not a crime.


╦ It constitutes a crime because it had caused damage and delays in communication. Recalling that hacking is not a crime if a hacker simply gets into the system to explore it—that is, to see how it works and what files it contains. But he did not only gets into the system but manipulating it to cause the business to suffer a significant loss.

Stock Fraud

╦ it constitutes a crime for being stealing the company's own share by exceeding their authorized access to the computer systems of Cisco systems because in the first place their computer access authorization should be surrendered to the owner. And the worst of it is that they directed that stock to be placed in their personal brokerage accounts because again they can easily change the system of the Cisco.


╦ It constitutes a crime by falsely designating Hotmail addresses as the point of origin of their commercial e-mail messages. It's another way of saying that you put the person in his risk by pointing him as the one who made the crime even if he's ignorance of that crime.

Hate and Vengeance Case

╦ It constitutes a crime for illegally accessing and deleting hundreds of computer records at Marsh database and accessing a protected computer without authorization. And by He also altering the female employee's compensation record to reflect a $40,000 increase in her salary and a $100,000 bonus.


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